Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Processing Thoughts...Perhaps a little randomly.

Home sick today, feeling thoughtful.  So much has changed in less than a year.  Life is completely different than it was.  I had asked God to make things clear to me, even if it hurt.  He did and boy, did it hurt.  Grieving the loss of a job and a way of life is a process.  I can't say I am necessarily glad for it, but I have definitely learned from it and am glad for where I am now.

I sit here with a cold.  Miserable because I can't take any medication due to the baby.  A baby I never believed I would have.  God's ways and God's answers to our prayers are so much more than we can fathom.

Not only am I pregnant with this miracle baby.  But I might actually get to be a stay home mommy for a little while.  It all seems too good to be true and so much more than I deserve.  I am so thankful that God doesn't just hand us what we deserve.

Man, what changes that can happen in life.  Some events I planned had an impact.  Other events I had no plan for: cancer, car accidents, job loss, another baby.  Some good.  Some not.  All growing experiences.

I have no clue where God is taking me.  I pray that I can honor Him in it all and not get lost inside my limited perspectives.