Another Christmas has come and gone. I hope that yours was joyful! Ours has been a welcome break from the hassles of life. We stayed home over our vacation break and other than dealing with an annoying cold, it has been truly relaxing!
My hubby and I are looking into potentially moving in the new year if God provides. Looking at homes online is fun. Trying to imagine actually packing up, cleaning, and selling our current home is not so fun. I would love a larger home with a second bathroom...we manage with our small single bathroom, but our family of 5 would love to have a second bathroom! I'd also be fine with staying put. Our home is small, but it works.
I have also been contemplating our family's eating habits and considering all the mess of variables we have. My husband does well on a low carb / anti-inflammatory diet. Our son still needs a wheat / milk free diet. I've been able to tolerate adding wheat back into my diet and milk on occasion, but I do feel a difference in my body when I eat it. One of our daughters will eat most foods. The other is very picky -like I was at her age.
I desire to plan meals that don't break the bank, aren't too time-consuming, and meet everyone's needs. We ignored most of our typical dietary restrictions over our Christmas break, and my husband is having some flare-ups as a result, so I know that diet is key to keeping his arthritis subdued. The paleo diet seems to meet most of our needs, but I don't buy into the foundational story that the diet is based on. I'm guessing I'll probably do a mixture of what I've been doing with perhaps some new recipes as I hunt around on Pinterest for ideas.