Friday, December 29, 2017

Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas!

Another Christmas has come and gone.  I hope that yours was joyful!  Ours has been a welcome break from the hassles of life.  We stayed home over our vacation break and other than dealing with an annoying cold, it has been truly relaxing!

My hubby and I are looking into potentially moving in the new year if God provides.  Looking at homes online is fun.  Trying to imagine actually packing up, cleaning, and selling our current home is not so fun.  I would love a larger home with a second bathroom...we manage with our small single bathroom, but our family of 5 would love to have a second bathroom!  I'd also be fine with staying put.  Our home is small, but it works.

I have also been contemplating our family's eating habits and considering all the mess of variables we have.  My husband does well on a low carb / anti-inflammatory diet.  Our son still needs a wheat / milk free diet.  I've been able to tolerate adding wheat back into my diet and milk on occasion, but I do feel a difference in my body when I eat it.  One of our daughters will eat most foods.  The other is very picky -like I was at her age.

I desire to plan meals that don't break the bank, aren't too time-consuming, and meet everyone's needs.  We ignored most of our typical dietary restrictions over our Christmas break, and my husband is having some flare-ups as a result, so I know that diet is key to keeping his arthritis subdued.  The paleo diet seems to meet most of our needs, but I don't buy into the foundational story that the diet is based on.  I'm guessing I'll probably do a mixture of what I've been doing with perhaps some new recipes as I hunt around on Pinterest for ideas.

Friday, December 8, 2017


It seems to be a common occurrence recently to find people separating spirituality from certain things in life.  I find it unsettling.  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing is untouched by spirituality.  Spiritual warfare is an every day, moment-by-moment war being waged...whether we want to acknowledge it or not.  It's becoming easier and easier to ignore the things of God and live how we want to live.

Preaching to myself also apparently...God and I have been having our own little tiff...or at least I've been pushing Him away in some areas of life.  He's calling me back...turn around little one, let's deal with this heart issue...

I find it so interesting how the media is pushing issues and making such a stink of specific problems, and getting caught up in the specific social battles and I hardly ever see any acknowledgement of the fact that all the problems in our world boil down to simple, ugly, SIN.  We are sinners living in a fallen world.  Rather than fight for causes that are consequences of sin, we need to be fighting at the root of the issue.  Our broken world in desperate need of a Savior.  Where is that on Facebook?  The majority of my FB friends are Christian, but very few, very few, ever remark on this issue.  I think this is why I do not have strong opinions in some things...because I care most about things on a spiritual level -the foundation of the problems rather than the surface issues.

The bible says that our battle is not against flesh and blood, "but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places."  Ephesians 6:12 NLT.

Satan is intent in his quest to "steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10) and is known as the father of lies. (John 8:44).  He spreads his lies and deception everywhere and it starts in the innocent things as small bite-size pieces that we all can ignore or deflect easily...but he makes sin familiar and then we grow more desensitized to it to the point where we are confused or so accustomed to seeing it as harmless that we allow it into our lives. 

I'm guilty of this too.  Tonight I am reminded to be on guard, to be aware and ready...that's what it means to have on the armor of God.  When it speaks of "girting your loins with truth" in the older versions of Ephesians 6:14, the image used is of men getting prepared in battle or to run a race.  They would take their tunic and tuck it up into their belts so that their legs would be free to run and be agile in battle without hindrance.  Being prepared, ready to react quickly and efficiently.  We need to put on the full armor of God so that we can be ready.  So that we can be prepared, and so that we will recognize the spiritual attacks coming at us and react accordingly.