Sunday, August 19, 2018

Frazzle Day!

Pete's Dragon song that Nora sings with Pete is in my head, except I didn't have a 'razzle dazzle day'.  Mine was frazzled.

After today, we have two weeks left to finish getting the house ready to show.  I feel so far behind and overwhelmed!  When I look at my list, I see that we're doing just feels like so much when I see the unwritten tasks that I handle in addition to working on the house.

We woke up to our doggie covered in poo and a mess in her kennel.  She's gotten into something that has made her sick.  We got her cleaned up, threw out the rug and her was dried and ruined.  Eewy!!!  I cleaned her kennel and the kids cleaned her.  We tried to make it to church, but just didn't have the time after all of that.  So we all listened online with my laptop hooked up to the TV so everyone could see and hear service.

We painted our stairway railing, around the new kitchen window, our window seat, and our fireplace mantel (which is enormous).  I also spent way too long wandering around Lowe's trying to find a drain grate cover for our basement and a ceiling cover plate for an old light we removed.  They had the painter tape I needed, but no luck on the others.  I ended up ordering them on

Next weekend we'll be shampooing our carpets and hopefully finish all the major painting that needs to be done.  Painting has become a bigger task than we had originally planned.  The white primer paint we are using on all the trim inside the house is much brighter than the old color the previous owner painted, so when we painted the railings, we also had to paint the baseboards all the way up the stairs and into the hallway.  It looks great!  It's just a lot more work than anticipated.  Fortunately, we were able to match the wall colors since we had repainted the whole house when we first moved in, so we won't have to do too much of the big walls.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Go Time!

And downhill we go!  We have 4 weeks before we list our home on the market.  Our realtor is going to hire a professional cleaner for us right before we list and take photographs of our home.  I am happy about it, although it will be very strange letting someone else clean my home.  It takes a big load off my mind to know I can just focus on homeschool and packing/organizing these next few weeks.  We have a short list of projects to finish -mainly touch-up painting here and there.

Our first month of homeschool is going well.  The girls are enjoying their new curriculum for the most part, and we are working out a routine.  The challenge right now is our toddler.  He is very hands-on, wants to be constantly doing and moving.  I've made a few sit-down projects or tried talking things with him, but he isn't interested in doing that for very long.  I have to figure out some more ways of engaging him in learning and giving him activities that he can experience kinesthetically.

Potty-training is developing.  Into what, I don't know.  Hahaha!  After considering going full blown cold-turkey.  We decided he wasn't quite ready to control his bladder as needed, so we're continuing with talking about bodily functions and the bathroom with opportunities to sit on the potty and flush the potty.  Duct tape is an option if he continues to take off his diaper at naps though...we shall see!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Two-year Well Visit

Well, our little guy checks out as a very healthy and very tall 2-year-old!  He is estimated to reach around 6'1" tall, given his current height.  That's taller than his daddy!

Our pediatrician's office has a "commitment to vaccinations" and the paperwork they had previously given me said that all children needed to be up to date on their vaccinations by age 2.  I went prepared to have the discussion and say goodbye...hoping they wouldn't be callous about it.

I needn't have worried. The doctor asked my reasons why we didn't want our son to have the vaccine.  I explained and he listened.  He was very calm and professional.  Not aggressive.  Not helpful either.

1.  Most kids can tolerate vaccines.  However, our son is not most kids.  He has had bad reactions in the past to vaccines.

2.  It's proven that some kids cannot tolerate vaccines, reasons why are not fully understood yet, but the MTHFR gene and leaky gut are high on the list of suspects.  Children have lost function, physically and mentally regressed in development because their little bodies can't handle the toxic ingredients.

3.  There is no research, at least none I could find or other mom's I've talked to have found, to show the difference between vaccinated vs. non-vaccinated kids.

4.  There is no medical avenue that I'm aware of or path that any doctor has presented to us to determine whether a vaccine would be safe for our son.  No tests, no high risk factors to consider, nothing.  The medical community seems silent on this issue. The fact is, not all vaccines are safe for all children.  And the risks are high.

He had no rebuttal.  No response at all to our concerns.   All he said was that he'd refer us to an allergist for allergy testing since our son has food intolerances and hasn't been officially tested.  Maybe then, he said, we would learn more about the safety for our son having the vaccine.  He hoped we'd do the testing as soon as possible so our son could have the all important vaccine in the near future.

I didn't bother telling him that food 'intolerances' don't show up on a scratch allergy test.  I find it concerning that of the three pediatricians I have spoken to about vaccines and concerns, none of them have ever had a response to address our concerns.  Only that they hope we will consider giving the vaccine as it pertains to their guidelines.  How incredibly not reassuring.

Anywho, we are moving and have to find a new pediatrician in our new town regardless.  We will wait and see what our new pediatrician recommends.  I don't think a scratch test would tell us much, an allergist might have better knowledge about food intolerances and vaccine safety.  All I know is that it is disappointing that better medical knowledge and open-mindedness isn't readily available.  I would have liked to hear about options and factual information about the MTHFR gene concern or Leaky Gut syndrome...I guess a generic pediatrician may not be educated well in those things yet.