Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Holiday Break!

Happy Thanksgiving!  It feels like an effort this year to think of specifics to be thankful for.

Yes, the Lord has blessed me in many ways.  I'm in a place where I am feeling a little detached emotionally...that's the best description I can come up with right now.  If I listed all those blessings, it would feel more robotic than sincere heart-felt thanks, even though I appreciate them all.

I am most grateful for the time I have with my children at home, the opportunity I have to reach them and pour into their lives.  I am grateful for the few hours of sleep I do get vs. lamenting the hours I don't get.  I am grateful to have a break from the normal routines, and I hope/pray that I have a chance to find my footing again before it ends.

I'm realizing in my wise-older-age...nearing 40...everyone has their struggles.  It doesn't matter who you are.  We all have our struggles.  Comparisons don't do any good, we're all just people doing the best we can with what we have.  I'm thankful for what I have and happy for others for what they have.