I am finally starting to make it through a whole day without needing a nap, and actually being productive around the house! Being sick made it feel like we missed most of the Christmas season. So, this coming week, we're not going to get back to our school routine, we are going to spend the week enjoying time together and making some Christmas memories!
We haven't done our usual curriculum at all this month, but by counting what we did do that can count for learning, we have still done enough activities to count for 5 days of school, so we're only missing one week instead of two. I might even count some of our days this week depending on how things go.
And that is the beauty of homeschool. We're not "behind" and needing to catch up on 2-weeks worth of work. We just change up what school work consists of.
Instead of our math program, I counted the times the girls used their math skills to play games or cook a supper when I couldn't.
Instead of our typical history, I counted the conversations with Dad we had -he's a history buff anyway and loves to share what he knows!
Instead of our marine science theme, we counted projects and creative endeavors that used scientific concepts to accomplish. Applied science!
Instead of our grammar and writing program, we counted letters, diary entries, and time spent reading.
We still have to ensure we meet our state's requirement for days of school, but we have the glorious flexibility to change up our learning activities to meet our needs. I also got to schedule our first field trip of the year. We're going to go to the aquarium next month as we finish up our marine science study. I'm looking forward to seeing the boys' excitement, it's been a few years since we last went. My girls are signed up to take a class on how the aquarium works from the inside: ways they care for the animals, keeping the water habitable for all those critters, etc.
Learning is so much fun!