Saturday, June 10, 2023
Living the Journey
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Lessons in Faith
Through my husband's battle with cancer, I learned to finally choose to trust in the Lord for my future.
Through my unexpected pregnancy, I learned that God doesn't have to ask my permission. He is in control.
Through homeschooling I learned that pride is also self-sufficiency. True humility is surrender and submission to God.
In parenting I learned to give my best each day and trust that God gave my kids the mother they needed most in me.
This last week was crazy busy with lots of driving around. I did it to myself of course, but I stretch myself thin for my kids quite often. I signed up my first grader to attend a free sports camp at a local church. He was so excited and loved it. I didn't think it would be a big deal, but then we added on an interview for my daughter one morning, and we had friends come over another afternoon, and I had to split my grocery shopping into two days in order to be where I needed to be on time.
I did have the sense enough to let my fellow park-day mommas know that I wasn't going to make it. I could have tried, but it would have overloaded my stress handling capabilities.
This weekend was a lot of traveling as well. First for a fun event of celebrating my sister's graduation, and the second day was full of being a mom's taxi. Tonight is a "work night" for me, but I needed to decompress badly. When I get overwhelmed mentally, I withdraw inwardly looking for escape and a quiet place to clear my head. Hard to do with a busy family life.
Tonight, I turned on some instrumental music and just typed up the events in my brain and sorted out what it was about them that caused the fog in my head. Turns out, confusion over emotions and boundary issues are the majority of my mental overwhelm. It was nice to have the time to write it out, go back and look at what I wrote and problem solve why I felt what I felt and how I wanted to deal with those emotions. Very helpful.