Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Over-extending Myself

 Speaking of over-extending myself...hahahaha!

My older kiddos have been desiring more fellowship with friends and getting out of the house to do things.  I didn't really know how to go about doing this, but God does!

I tried joining some homeschool teen groups on social media, but my girls kept declining to go to the events because they didn't know anyone there...

Then I learned of a new group for our local area and I've been attending the mom's meetings once a month.  I really enjoy these ladies and love that not only are they local, but they are like-minded families.  We will start getting together for their events this month as a school thing.  I am hoping the kids will make some friends in this group.

And, because God is good, He knows just how to reach my girls.  A group on social media started a Coffee House meet-up for teen girls and moms.  We went for the first time, it was the coffee that gave them the incentive to go, but afterwards they both said they were glad to have gone!

I'm thankful for these new people in our lives, but also trying to guard myself, because now we are part of three different homeschool groups in addition to youth group and AWANAs.

We have some time to play with, because school doesn't take a full day like public school, but I need to leave space for time to be home and the life things like grocery shopping, housework and appointments.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Mental Overwhelm

There is so much I want to think about, to plan and prep.  All things that would help me to be more organized and prepared for the busyness of life.

But my brain is overwhelmed.  It needs to unload the burden and decompress.

Friday, I learned that one of my homeschool mama 'friends' was in the hospital with her two-year-old son because his bloodwork came back with bad news.  Leukemia is the expectation of the doctors.  He had to have a bone biopsy and a blood transfusion because his numbers were so low.  Thankfully, he was able to be discharged and sent home Sunday.  He has an appointment with the oncologist to review the results this week.

He is her baby, youngest of four.  He was born with downs syndrome and apparently bloodwork is a routine check for babies like him.  My compassion for them went into overdrive and all I could do was think about how to be the best help for them.  

My heart is to serve others and I know myself.  I know that I can easily over-extend myself in helping.  I have to balance my desire to help with my commitment to my own family.  That makes it hard.  I call her my friend because we go to park days together and we chat, along with the other mamas that are regular attendees.  We aren't especially close at all, other than we are two of the few mamas with little ones still.  I save my son's clothes to pass down to hers.

I don't know what the future holds.  I can't imagine being in her shoes, although I understand cancer well enough to relate to the logistics of what she is dealing with.  I will walk alongside her as best I can as her fellow sister in Christ.