Thursday, January 2, 2025

Happy New Year!

 Our Christmas season break was very, very good.  We simplified and it was quite relaxing and enjoyable.  Purposefully we planned our big family gathering at the very beginning of our break and intentionally made decisions to create a low stress time together.

We actually made it through our entire December, never missing a day when we had a short advent devotional as a family.  God was present and we enjoyed worshiping throughout our time at home together.  We watched many movies, played games almost daily, and had time to be ourselves without the normal pressures of everyday life.

Regular routines begin next week and while I don't enjoy the idea of the busyness that it brings, I feel rested and mostly prepared for the challenge that awaits.


Originally, I started this blog to document and share my husband's cancer journey.  When he decided he wanted to remain private and not share his details, I proceeded by sharing my point of view through our cancer journey.  Writing is very therapeutic for me.   

Later it became somewhat of an attempt to share my reality of faith in life, but it lost some of its purpose and wasn't very cohesive.  I'm not sure how much of my blog was for a larger audience and how much was simply helpful to myself.  Only God knows what the future holds.  

 If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out their offense.  If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back.  Matthew 18:15 NLT