Friday, June 17, 2011

My Heart's Cry

I have a deep desire to reach out to others.  That I might impact their lives in a positive way, to draw them closer to knowing the Lord for themselves.  I have had this desire to make a difference for as long as I can remember.  My mom called me "tender-hearted".  My namesake (if I were born a boy *grin*) was a man of compassion.  I remember committing my heart to the Lord at the tender age of 4 1/2 years old.  At the time all I understood was that I was a sinner, on my way to hell unless I accepted Christ as Savior.  Did I know what that involved?  I doubt it.  But I knew there was more to this life than myself and that I had no power to do it on my own.  The faith of a child.  Pure, trusting, willing to believe.

Not many years later, our children's church class was learning about missionaries.  We met a real-live missionary who talked of riding a motor bike to church through the mud and I remember how shocked I was to hear that she didn't wear her "Sunday best" through the mud to church.  I wanted to reach others as she did.

In another church moment, we watched a "Charity Churchmouse" video.  The focus of that episode was a song called, "Make Me A Servant".  I prayed that song fervently in my heart to the Lord.  I wanted to embody the lyrics of that song:

Make me a servant, humble and meek.
Lord, let me lift up those who are weak.
And may the prayer of my heart always be
Make me a servant, Make me a servant,
Make me a servant, today.

Another song that I have always sung to the Lord purely from my heart comes from a "Patch the Pirate" cassette story tape.  It was the 'Banana Man' one.   The song was "Here Am I Lord".

Here am I, Lord, send me.
Here am I, Lord, send me.
I will serve you faithfully.
Here am I, Lord, send me.

I have added verses to that short song including, "Teach me."  "Use me."  "Love me."
I have sung this song as a prayer begging God to help me truly be sincere as I sang it, to not let it just be lip-service to Him.  He has been faithful.  Faithful to grow my faith.  Faithful to forgive my sins along the way.  Faithful to change my heart.

On your journey, what has been your heart's cry?

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