There is always something new to learn, a new concept to grasp, a different perspective to view. God is bringing things to light in my life a little at a time. I'm not feeling so overwhelmed anymore with life, but I am trying to take it slower and not attempt to be 'Superwoman' (AKA: constant failure -because it is impossible!!!).
It was hard to deal with, but a spiritual lesson was being taught. My responsibilities at work and home piled up on me and I felt like I was drowning in it all. I literally could not take in any additional information than what was absolutely necessary to complete the task I was doing in the moment. Typically I would analyze the events of my day and read things into them trying to figure out the day and whether I made good choices or bad and what I could have done differently. After getting sick, that kind of thinking was beyond my capabilities. A true blessing in disguise. He (God) really used those couple weeks in my life to bring me to my knees spiritually and just give up. I think I need to find that place on a regular basis!
We had a guest pastor at church on Sunday and his sermon touched on many topics within the story of the Gentile woman who persistently pursued healing from Christ for her daughter. One thing that really made me think was the fact that Jesus' response to the woman initially was Silence. I've always been a positive thinker saying that God always answers prayer..."yes", "no", or "wait". I still believe that, but I see a deeper perspective in the realization that Jesus used his Silence to draw out the woman's faith. You can read the story in Matthew 15:21-28. I liked the examples this pastor used to explain Jesus' silence. It wasn't a silence to ignore her maliciously. He has a purpose. Always. The pastor gave three examples:
God uses Silence to draw out our Faith to
1. Reveal his glory in a greater capacity than if he answered our prayers the way we thought he should. Note John 11: the story of Lazarus and how Jesus did not immediately go to sick Lazarus and heal him. He waited until Lazarus was dead and then raised him. What an awesome display of God's power and love!
2. Bring about surrender. Note Hannah in 1 Samuel 1. She desperately wanted a baby and prayed repeatedly for this. It wasn't until she surrendered herself and her dreams for her child to the Lord, that she was blessed with a son.
3. Enable us to minister to his people through our wounds. Remember, we also serve a Savior who bears scars as a witness to minister to our hearts.
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