Friday, October 4, 2013


Our 21 month cancer check up was this past month.  All the blood work came back normal, physical side effects are reducing.  His hands still swell with physical labor and times of stress, but the swelling he used to get with his feet and ankles doesn't occur as often or as bad as it used to.  He still experiences fatigue, but life has been stressful lately too, so we aren't sure if it is just a side effect or other life issues.  It was a happy day!

In other cancer news, my friend who has inspired and encouraged me when my hubby was going through chemo is not going to win her battle here on earth.  I am sad for her to have to say goodbye to her son, to not get to see him grow up.  I'm sad she is leaving and happy that she will soon have relief and pure joy with the Lord in Heaven.

Professionally I have ups and downs.  I've had a very productive week, clearing many piles from my desk...I actually have a desk again!  I feel more caught up and able to get things done than I ever have before as Director.  I still face the self-doubt and the stress of dealing with the enormous responsibilities I have.  I have been trying to have faith in the words, "If my God is for me, who can be against me?"  (Psalm 119).

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