First off, I have to say that I do not miss having to go to a job. I LOVE being at home and being my own boss. There is plenty of things to be done, especially with three kiddos at home. My stress level has decreased because all of my energy is spent on those I love rather than trying to balance it with work and home. Home is my work now!
Homeschooling is going well. We've tweaked our routine to fit our lifestyle too, the flexibility it provides is so nice! For example, this Monday my oldest woke up complaining about school and how she wished everyday could be a weekend where she could play all day. Instead of pushing her into our normal schedule of starting right away with breakfast and school, we had a lazy morning. I let them watch a show on TV, we ate breakfast as we watched, and then she and her sister went outside to play for a good half hour. After that, she was in better spirits and ready to start school.
We do a daily devotion, sometimes following the curriculum and sometimes we do something simpler. I've been teaching my girls the books of the Bible in song, and they have already memorized the Old Testament! As we read our Bible, we are noticing many things: the promises of God, and how He keeps His promises by noticing prophecy fulfilled. :)
My home isn't as neat and organized as I wish it were being home all the time, but I suppose I have to give myself grace because we do have a two month old in the house who takes up a lot of time!
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