Back in October, I posted about striving to wake up earlier to have some "me" time. Five months later, and I have still not figured out how to get to bed earlier. It happens on occasion, but I'm realizing in this season, it just isn't going to happen. My time is not my own with young children in the house.
The Lord has been good to remind me that the ultimate goal is to spend time with Him on a daily basis, to spend more time seeking Him. It doesn't necessarily have to fit my idealistic bible time to myself where I can cuddle up on the couch with a warm blanket, bible, and journal. In truth, the last time I was able to do that regularly was before I had children.
So, I am trying to be flexible and give myself grace. I am doing pretty good at making time to read my bible and pray every morning. Sometimes I get up 15 minutes earlier than I expect my kids to be up, other times I bring it out to the living room with me while my boys climb over me as they play. Sometimes I have the opportunity to have extended prayer time and other days I write a sentence or two before motherhood calls.
My kids get to see me reading my bible and writing in my prayer journal. They know that it is something I do every day. If kids truly learn by watching, perhaps the Lord is using these moments to impact them for eternity.
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