Friday, October 8, 2021

Middle Aged Couch Potato

I've developed some tendonitis in my hip/knee and have been working on it the past few weeks.  It's somewhat humorous, basically it is an injury from overuse/misuse of my hip, and as I learn exactly which muscles are responsible, it amazes me the simple actions that caused me injury.

Folding laundry was one.  I use the back of my couch to lay out shirts before I hang them on hangers as I sort.  Our couch is enormous and I have to lean over straight legged to reach the back of the couch.  That action over time has caused me pain in my knees and hip muscles.

Another one was carrying my toddler on my hip.  He's getting big enough to where my out-of-shape self cannot support his weight for frequent long periods.  I discovered this on our walks around the block.  Walking and carrying him when he gets tired hurts.

Lastly, how I sit with my legs folded under me at nights to watch shows with my hubby, I always lean them towards the arm of the couch and that action pulls on my muscles and stretches them for too long a period of time.  This also means that crossing my legs or ankles also causes pain because it pulls on those injured muscles.

So this is a great example of what happens when you become a middle-aged couch potato.  Who knew being a stay home mom could result in injury? I am learning to stand and sit better, and I am also learning to be more active intentionally.

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