Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Learning at Home

Every homeschool year is so different from the others.  This year is nearly completed.  Our oldest graduated high school and our youngest starts kindergarten next fall.

I am noticing a trend.  The longer I educate my children, the more comfortable I am in embracing home learning.  The public-school trends, timelines and rules are fading away.

The biggest difference I'm noticing currently is our school year schedule.  When we started, our girls were accustomed to the 9 months of school with a 3-month summer break.  We've generally kept that type of schedule for them.  

I notice that summers get busy with activities, vacations, and just the desire to be outdoors.  It is more difficult to do curriculum schoolwork.  At the same time, leaving our education routines and then trying to get back into a routine again in the fall is challenging -even for me as the adult!

Our boys, they have only known home learning.  There aren't any preconceived notions about what is required for our time or our learning routines.  Our last girl is planning on working on next year's classes this summer, so I'm thinking we will take some time off, but not completely forgo our learning routines either.

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