Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Continuing to Simplify

The more I simplify the things around me, the more I am noticing the ability to slow down and take in each moment.

I didn't anticipate that.  It has been an unexpected blessing.

This afternoon I played a game of cards with my son and was able to be fully present with him.  Often times, I am mentally an energizer bunny, but today it was just the two of us and our card game.  No mental interruptions or random thoughts.  It was strange and really nice.

I was recently inspired to simplify my social media.  I unfollowed several accounts on my feed.  Some, I think were only "followed" because my fat fingers hit the wrong button while scrolling.  Other pages that I unfollowed share content that I like to read and learn about, but at this time in my life were just cluttering my brain with information I couldn't put into application right now.

Taking away the mental clutter is freeing.  More and more I can focus on what is most important.  And the phrase that is beginning to take up more living space in my brain is this one:

Live for God's Glory.

I suspect God is teaching me more about this phrase and what it will mean in my life. 

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