Last night my husband decided to go with the surgery to remove the lymph nodes. When he told me it was a mixed sense of relief for knowing how to prepare myself for the future along with the dread of having to prepare for a massive surgery. We talked about how we wanted to plan for the surgery and how to plan for our children during that time. It was nice to have something to talk about again. We'd already gone over the options so many times it was redundant and hadn't had much to talk about until he made a decision.
We were given some money to help us out and we're going to purchase a comfy recliner for my husband's time recovering from the surgery. God continues to provide. I think sometimes I forget that God really does want to hear about each detail and each concern. Sometimes I think I should be able to do things on my own without him. Perhaps that is a lesson I'm still learning. I spent some time in prayer last night, and this morning instead of hitting my snooze button I got up and read a little of my bible before getting the rest of the family up for the day. Little steps. One step at a time.
Now I'm waiting to hear what the surgery date will be. I've been researching other people's stories of their recovery times and experiences. It ranges from pain management to diet cautions...from the least extreme to the worst. There were some good ideas for foods to eat. I guess one diet requirement to prevent bad side effects is to go completely fat free while the body heals. Something about what the lymph nodes produce and not overwhelming your body with it. I'm sure we'll get instructions at the hospital too. Information helps me a lot because I can plan and if you haven't figured it out by now I am a planner...or a control freak :) I like to have a smidgen of control over what is going on around me!
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