Thursday, July 28, 2011

Burdens We Carry

Wowsers!  My day yesterday was consumed with concern over my daughter's health.  The worry had been building over the past several days after noticing some changes in her habits and odd symptoms.  The problem was that some symptoms could be circumstantial, but at the same time, some of them were potential serious problems.  Instead of calling her pediatrician (I didn't want to have to pay for a visit if I didn't need to), I spent time searching her symptoms on the internet and not finding conclusive answers.  I finally realized I was stressing over it and I prayed giving it to God, but I don't think I really let go of it because I kept wondering and doubting myself over it all.  So, I gave in and called the doctor who of course had me come in.  Turns out I was overly concerned, but she may have an infection, so the money I spent didn't feel totally wasted. That whole evening at home the weight of the burden of stress slowly released itself and my body physically felt it.  I was exhausted and went to bed an hour early.  I was mentally a little jittery and restless.  I was also so relieved to have the confirmation that my child was for the most part healthy. 

What just boggles my mind is that huge, heavy burden of stress that I was carrying and adding to for the past few days...I didn't even recognize it for what it was!  I had an inkling of the stress which led me to pray, but because I was so involved in my worrying and trying to figure things out for myself, I didn't lean on God, I didn't ask for His help, and I didn't see the burden I had created.

Even with my quiet time with God, I missed this.  I should know better...but how many times do we enter into sin just a smidgen at a time until suddenly it overwhelms us?!  My devotion from Proverbs31 today gave a great illustration of it at:

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