Friday, July 8, 2011

Triumph through Tragedy

David Wilkerson (recently passed on) sent out sermons.  In a meeting today, we read one.  It was about the Demonic Flood of Fear and how Christians who "triumph through tragedy" all experience 3 things:

1.  A choice: To trust in God or to remain in worry and fear.
2.  An Eclipse of Faith: a moment in their tragedy where they are in a cloud of darkness and don't hear from God.  It is in this cloud that they must rely on faith and their knowledge of God's promises and still believe.
3.  Acting Faith: Faith is a command and God responds to those who exercise it.

In my blogs, I hope you can recall my journey in this.  Because each of those steps is so utterly true and necessary.  When my husband got cancer, I chose to trust in God.  I knew that I had to or my fears would consume me and I would be useless to my husband and children in this trial.  I had many dark moments where I wondered where God was and what the point of it all was.  But I had His first answer for me "For such a time as this" and also the knowledge that God is love and His ways are not my ways.  I didn't always feel God's peace, but I believed.  I turned to Him for every need...not always immediately, but when I did, He always answered.

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