God has been busy, that is for sure! I'm grateful for His constant presence in my life, even when I'm too blind to see it. The past few months I have felt lost spiritually, like someone put a blindfold on me and I couldn't make heads or tails of my surroundings. I couldn't tell what God was doing or what was going on. I also was discouraged and that was affecting my faith too.
In the midst of all that darkness, God was still there, still growing me and teaching me. Christians often call opportunities for life changes "doors" that God opens or closes. In the darkness of waiting, I searched for any open doors. In that search, didn't find any open doors. God hasn't called me to any new roles in life, but He did allow me to look through windows and glimpse the reality of who I am and what He wants for me. I learned that some options were not true options for me. I learned that some of my self-doubt was unwarranted and untrue. I learned to have confidence in where He has me now and in the tasks He has given me to accomplish.
I don't know what the future holds and I definitely don't have life figured out. I do have a better view of life right now and I am grateful for the things that God has done. Even when I didn't see Him working, He was there right with me. He even used my aimless searching to guide my husband to a new job!
Never give up on God. He won't give up on you!
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