My honey developed pneumonia over Thanksgiving weekend and ended up being admitted to the hospital. He was allowed to come home yesterday evening and immediately spiked a 104 temp. I completely lost all peace of mind in the midst of waiting to see if the fever would go down...wondering if I could continue with the night's plan or if our evening would be completely upturned. The children needed to be fed dinner, they needed to go to bed on time and had school in the morning. Our youngest is fighting illness, and I wanted to be able to help her heal. Thankfully the fever decreased and the doctor said we could stay home as long as Tylenol was doing its job and we just need to call the clinic today and speak to his team.
And yet, God is still here. Providing for us and working in our hearts for our good. Even in the hardest times, He is there. When he was in the hospital, a few people commented on how well I was handling it. It was all God. I have been learning that I cannot accomplish anything by worrying about it. There are things that I cannot control and no matter how hard I stress and worry, my efforts only damage my ability to be the woman, wife, mom God has called me to be. I completely trust God to work all things out to the good of those who love him...and that's me and my family. Even though I don't see what God is doing at the time, I trust Him fully.
Last night, after all the crazyness, God gave me a glimpse of the wonderful things He has been doing during this past year. Even though we've been through some of the hardest experiences we may ever face, spiritually it has been one of the best and most productive years in our lives. Our marriage is growing stronger. Our faith is deepening. And it is all to the glory of God. HE IS AN AWESOME GOD!!!
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