Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Hub-Bub!

It is hard to stay focused on the Lord during the chaotic schedule of December this year!  I've been managing, but I know my "good" can be much better.  With family birthdays, the birth of a new nephew, extended family celebrations, and work and still responsible for the household management...I'm a little overwhelmed.  It is all exciting and a lot of good things happening, but I forgot to balance it all and keep it in perspective.

Sometimes when I get overwhelmed, I feel how I'd imagine an ADD person must feel.  I have lists upon lists of things to do in my brain and the clock and the calendar all seem to meld into one scrambled mess that I can't untangle.  On top of it all, two of our appliances decided to break down.  Praise the Lord that we had loving angels who provided the funds to replace them!  And I realized just how thankful I am that my parents taught me to wash dishes by hand as a child.  I know it seems like an easy task, but if I didn't already know the techniques of how to get into the small places and deep bottles, I'd have had a very hard time getting some of those dishes clean!  It's something my children are going to be learning in their future!

My husband is healing and recovering a little more each week.  He's participating in more activities and spur of the moment fun with the family.  Physically he still tires easily and gets out of breath with too much activity, but he is looking healthier!

In my quiet times, I'm still finishing the book of Jeremiah, but today I read the birth of Jesus in Luke 2.  I think God is telling me to stop and change my focus.  My priorities are not supposed to be about stuff.  They need to be focused on Jesus and my family.  The stuff won't matter in 20 years.  It probably won't even matter in 1 year.  How are you preparing for the holiday season?

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