Sunday, January 28, 2018

Odd Allergy Symptoms

We ended up taking our little guy to see the pediatrician over the weekend just to rule out any medical concerns that I wouldn't know about...I don't like acting opposite the recommendations of the medical professionals, even when I doubt them strongly at times.

We were fortunate to get to see the pediatrician he has seen every visit since birth.  She knows his history and her first question to me was "What is new in his diet?"  It was such a relief.  She completely agreed with my assessment of the situation and did not think a scratch test was needed at all.  She didn't specifically state that she thought it was the chicory root, but she did agree in avoiding the new milk and rather than trying new milks when his is not in stock at the store, he's okay not having it for a day or two.

We went home reassured and relieved.  His rash took about a week to completely clear up, but it did.  She also suggested mixing his Aquaphor and a hydrocortisone cream rather than using Benadryl and worrying about the potential over dose.  It worked wonders in relieving his itch and we only used the Benadryl tablet for naps and bedtimes.

Then this past week, we went out to eat and even though he had a gluten free meal, something must have been cross contaminated because he reacted badly to it.  Tummy pain, gas, not eating and just drinking, and the strangest one of all was a low body temperature.  He has had all of these symptoms before.  His low temperature never goes low enough to reach the concerning levels posted on the internet, but it makes him cold and uncomfortable.  It only happens when he's had wheat.  And only lasts as long as it takes to get out of his system (usually 3-4 days, starting around the second day of a reaction).

I researched it in my free time for two days, not finding anything that fit his situation.  Then I searched under the FPIES (Food Protein Induced Entercolitis Syndrome).  There it was.  Allergic reactions and low body temperature in the same paragraph and connected legitimately by other parent testimonies and by medical professionals.  It's only listed as an unusual reported symptom, but it is listed as happening in severe reactions.  I was hoping to find some more scientific information about why it happens and what is going on internally.  At least it is documented that it is in relation to an allergic reaction to food proteins.  I hope that I remember, but I want to bring it up at his 18 month well visit to see what his pediatrician says.

More on Applying God's Will

I'm finding that applying God's will to my life easily fits the current trending word of "adulting".  It involves a maturity and a spiritual development level to know God's word and obey it, even when you don't feel like it, or find it uncomfortable.

For me, I realized this in my church attendance.  With my son, it was hard to attend because he was so young, so attached, and too loud to allow me to attend service in the sanctuary.  Recently on Wednesday nights, my hubby has been able to take care of our son at home while I take our older children to service and attend myself.

I found myself not wanting to go.  I wanted to hide in the back row, keep my secluded introverted ways...but our church has a 10-minute period of prayer each Wednesday night service and openly encourages all to pray together in small groups during that time.  They also have an open communion at the front of the sanctuary.

But, I know that God wanted me to attend.  He wanted me to participate, so even though it was uncomfortable and strange...I went.  I pushed aside that fear and trepidation to do what God asked me to do.  I still can't say I'm happy to go and interact with people I don't know.  Maybe someday they won't be such strangers to me.  In any case, I am learning.  I am growing in my faith.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Surprise Hair Cuts and Allergic Reactions!

The first few weeks of our January have been pretty busy.  The girls requested more field trips so we have been on two already this month and potentially another one next week, although this momma is pretty worn out, so we might skip that one.

Our oldest hasn't been enjoying her once-a-week day with the extra curricular activities as is public school based and she has realized for the first time in her life that the world isn't "mostly Christian" as her life has previously been blessed to be.  She's been witnessing to a boy who is atheist in her class and has chosen to continue to attend classes so she can continue to be a light to him.  It's inspiring and something special to be a part of as her mom through this life challenge.

Our younger daughter surprised us by cutting her own bangs.  She hid it for two days by wearing a winter hat saying she was cold...I thought she did a pretty good job on her bangs, just a little bit on the short side.  So I helped her even them out and finish the edges.  I can see her getting into the salon business when she is older.  Then her sister, whose bangs have finally grown out, begged to have bangs again so I did hers too.

Our little guy is nearing 18 months old and has finally hit the vocabulary explosion that is typical of toddlers his age.  It is so much fun because it has only been the past week and a half or so that he has suddenly started chatter-boxing like crazy!  He has a few phrases that he says and several single words, but he is trying new ones all the time and has learned that when he calls us by name, he can get our attention.  I often wake up to him calling "momma" from his crib in the mornings.

He has been having a reaction to something in his diet the past week or so and I wasn't sure if it was just a virus or an allergy.  He'd have random spots on his body that seemed to fade away and return.  Some would make him itch.  Last night we learned what was going on -at least I hope we've found the only source. 

For dinner I made him oatmeal and as usual I used his nut-milk to mix in and help cool it down for him.  He's into feeding himself now, so he had that oatmeal everywhere...his shirt, his hands, his ears, his eyebrows, and even the back of his head mixed into his hair.  I gave him a bath afterwards and noticed that he was beginning to break out.  He had red blotches on his cheeks, one eyebrow, some spots on his nose and several behind his ears and on his neckline above his shirt collar.  He started itching by rubbing his hand and scratching his ears and neck constantly. 

The milk I had used for his oatmeal was a new one.  The week before, the store was out of his normal milk, so I bought the same brand with a new formula that included "prebiotics".  The only unusual ingredient in that milk was chicory root inulin.  So I did a quick google search of chicory root side effects and not just one, but several websites had warnings about checking with a doctor before using chicory root because it is known to cause severe dermatitis and is part of the family of plants that include ragweed, marigold and other seasonal allergies.  My hubby has consistent hay-fever every year due to those specific allergies.  That was enough to convince me that it was the chicory root.

His rash and itching was so bad that we decided to call the after-hours line to see if we could give him some sort of antihistamine cream or medication to help him through the night.  The nurse I talked to quickly discarded my chicory root idea saying that it was just a tuber and not likely at all.  She was more concerned with the almond/cashew mix of the milk even though I explained to her that he drinks almond/cashew milk every day, and has for the past 7-8 months without incident.  She gave us permission to give the antihistamine meds and also recommended we not give him any more tree nuts without getting an allergy scratch test done and explained to me everything I already knew about allergies.  I thanked her and hung up. 

Never before this past year have I ever questioned those in the medical profession like I do now that I have a child with food sensitivities.  Doctors seem to know very little about how food interacts with the body.  I know my child best and I know that it was not the tree nuts that bothered him.  Bananas are also exacerbating his rash, and I know that bananas can cause reactions to those with seasonal allergies like ragweed, it only confirms in my mind that it was most likely the chicory root inulin that his body is reacting to.

As of tonight, his rash had faded to more of a pinpoint rash on his neck and ears.  The blotches on his cheeks remain.  His body is still working through it because the rash fades with the topical cream, but returns red and itchy when the effects start to wear off.