Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas Season Homeschooling

 I am finally starting to make it through a whole day without needing a nap, and actually being productive around the house!  Being sick made it feel like we missed most of the Christmas season.  So, this coming week, we're not going to get back to our school routine, we are going to spend the week enjoying time together and making some Christmas memories!

We haven't done our usual curriculum at all this month, but by counting what we did do that can count for learning,  we have still done enough activities to count for 5 days of school, so we're only missing one week instead of two.  I might even count some of our days this week depending on how things go.

And that is the beauty of homeschool.  We're not "behind" and needing to catch up on 2-weeks worth of work.  We just change up what school work consists of. 

Instead of our math program, I counted the times the girls used their math skills to play games or cook a supper when I couldn't.

Instead of our typical history, I counted the conversations with Dad we had -he's a history buff anyway and loves to share what he knows!

Instead of our marine science theme, we counted projects and creative endeavors that used scientific concepts to accomplish.  Applied science!

Instead of our grammar and writing program, we counted letters, diary entries, and time spent reading.

We still have to ensure we meet our state's requirement for days of school, but we have the glorious flexibility to change up our learning activities to meet our needs.  I also got to schedule our first field trip of the year.  We're going to go to the aquarium next month as we finish up our marine science study.  I'm looking forward to seeing the boys' excitement, it's been a few years since we last went.  My girls are signed up to take a class on how the aquarium works from the inside: ways they care for the animals, keeping the water habitable for all those critters, etc.  

Learning is so much fun!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Catching a Healing: Covid-19

 Our entire family has come down with covid...or at least we believe that to be true.  Only one of us has been tested and that was all we needed to know what it is we were dealing with.  

I haven't been tracking days, but I would guess we are around days 4-6 based on the first person's symptoms appearing.

It has been so long since I've been sick, that I forgot how miserable it can be.  The first few days I just had that sick sensation in my chest and had some slight congestion and sneezing.  Definitely different than the normal congestion and sneezing I have with my allergic rhinitis.  I could tell my body was fighting something.

Tonight has been the most miserable.  I have such pressure in my sinuses that my head hurts and if I bend down, it multiplies exponentially.  A steam and hot soak in the bath helped to clear some of it.  I had a slight fever prior to the soak, but afterwards it had gone down a little.  

Each of us takes turns helping with the responsibilities around the house.  For example, while my little guy takes his afternoon nap, my older kiddos will hang out and watch a movie while I try and take a nap.  My hubby has been stoically working full days at home still despite my pressure on him to take it easy.  He plans my stubborn man!

We thankfully had a lot of leftovers from Thanksgiving to get us through the first few days, and I've been stocking up on our staples the last couple months so we are able to use what we have.  My friend has insisted on making us soup and salad, and bought us some fresh apples and cuties.  She doesn't take no for an answer sometimes, although she does it in the sweetest way.  She'll drop it off tomorrow and while she doesn't know the kids are already tired of soup (I had made some in the beginning and we've been drinking bone broth daily too), I am looking forward to not having to think about supper for one night, and very grateful for her.

We've also been taking our supplements that my mom gave us, she also told me how to make the bone broth.  I can't take the essential oil pill because it is made with olive oil, but I've been using the roller version of it on my lymph nodes where it hurts.  It has been helping.  Having family and friends who care for us is so nice.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Maturing, Pondering.

We survived hosting Thanksgiving twice this year.  Twice wasn't the plan, but it was how life happened.  And in all honesty, although it was a challenge, I'm so thankful to be done with the major hosting responsibilities and just enjoy the rest of the Christmas season.  We'll have a small get together with my family that lives close by, but none of the crazy stress of hosting a big hullabaloo.

I got to see my brother and meet his girlfriend.  It feels weird to call her his girlfriend, because they seemed to know each other so well it would be so easy to say wife.  No pressure intended for them, just my brain processing in its own way.  

I've always been protective of my brother.  When we were kids, he got teased mercilessly by all of us older sisters.  Being the only boy and the youngest, it was easy and mostly not malicious.  I don't know exactly when, but somewhere along the way I noticed the negative effect it was having on him, and decided from then on, he was going to be my best buddy.  We spent a lot of time together and I stood up for him.  I still teased him, but I tried not to take it too far.  

Being adults hasn't changed that part our relationship for me.  I still want to make sure he is treated well and walking wisely in the ways of God.  However, it isn't my place anymore.  So I pray and hope that he finds true joy in his life, and seeks the Lord first and foremost.  Because God will and can do all that I cannot do for him.

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I've also been pondering different concepts lately.  I had to google what "my truth" means.  I've heard it here and there, but was reading about someone who was using that phrase as a way to explain and celebrate their choices.  The words just didn't match with the definition of "truth" in my own little brain, so I had to look it up.  According to the dictionary, it is a way of sharing one's perspective or feelings, stating it in a way that refuses argument.  And I can understand it from that definition.

It also was analyzed by my "spiritual lens" for a lack of a better term.  I've noticed in my ponderings I take in a new idea to mull over and decide what I think of it or try to understand it, and I always end up looking at it from an eternal perspective.

So, I have come to the conclusion, that the term "my truth", for me, is one that needs to come from a spiritual perspective as well.  When I look at my own "truth"  I define it by my identity, and my identity ultimately comes from God.  I am His, and He has a plan for me.  A plan that I don't fully understand and I want Him to take the lead because He knows what I do not.  

I am wife, mother, woman, teacher, etc..  I am not my own.  Many times when priorities are messed up or my walk with God has been on the back burner, I have felt lost in who I am and have struggled to find myself.  Each time over the years, I have withdrawn, not neglecting my responsibilities, but simplifying them so that I can focus more on where I am with God.  Once I start to get right with the Lord, little by little, I find my place again.  My value, my worth, doesn't come from anyone, not even myself.  My value, and yours, comes from the Lord. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Serving the Lord

 Tonight I was a bit bummed and weary from a busy day, so I decided to use my 'work night' as a 'me night' instead.  I treated myself to a hot soak and am now listening to some soothing instrumental music as I write to you.

God has been moving our focus more and more on Him these days.  With so much going on in the world around us, He is our hope, our source of joy and contentment.  Spiritual things and being intentional about them are recurring themes that run through my thoughts.

What can I do for Him?  What do I do with the time He's given me?  How do I honor Him in my daily, mundane activities?

My time is often consumed by my family, my role as 'mama' is quite a primary one.  Our conversations are often sprinkled with spiritual concepts and scripture.  Very rarely, do I have time to do much outside of our busy family life.  I try to treat others with kindness and act with humble integrity when we are out in our community.  Living out God's character is a goal, showing His love and grace through my imperfectness is something I aspire to do.

Recently, my daughter has joined the high school worship team at church, it's kind of like a worship team in-training, as they are only meeting on a temporary basis working towards leading worship on a specific day later this year.  Practices are an hour long so I don't have time to return home and accomplish anything before having to pick her up again.

I was using that hour to run errands or work on lesson plans.  But one day in church, it just seemed that our youth pastor looked burdened to me and I had the desire to help ease that burden.  We are to be the body of Christ, so I volunteered that hour to help out in any way needed.  For three practices now, I have spent time cleaning bathrooms.  

I cleaned a urinal for the first time.  So yucky!  I work hard and am usually quite tired and sore afterwards.  Before I go to volunteer, each time I wish I hadn't volunteered, and each time I long for a reason to just stay home or do my own thing for that hour.  But instead, I honor my commitment and each time, I end up finding joy in serving the Lord with the time and abilities He has given.

Last time, our youth pastor and associate pastor thanked me.  I was awkward with it since I am terrible at accepting compliments or gratitude.  I said that I hoped they noticed because I was trying to do the deeper cleaning that probably doesn't get done often. (I'd scrubbed things like the walls just getting off some of the grime and little stains here and there that you might not notice, but makes a difference in the long run).  The associate pastor said with wide eyes and eyebrows raised that yes, he had noticed, and no, those things didn't get cleaned often enough.  

Just that little bit of validation made me feel so happy and renewed my motivation to continue on next time, and to continue to improve my efforts.  I've always hesitated in making a volunteer commitment at church because my family has to come first and life has a way of being so unpredictable.  Being able to give this occasional hour, has been the perfect, God-supplied, way of serving Him without sacrificing my other God-given responsibilities.

If you're ever in the position to notice someone's service of sacrifice, thank them.  That small thanks stretches such a long way!  And if you are desiring to serve, ask God to show you where, when and how.  He will open the door that is best for you!

Friday, October 8, 2021

Middle Aged Couch Potato

I've developed some tendonitis in my hip/knee and have been working on it the past few weeks.  It's somewhat humorous, basically it is an injury from overuse/misuse of my hip, and as I learn exactly which muscles are responsible, it amazes me the simple actions that caused me injury.

Folding laundry was one.  I use the back of my couch to lay out shirts before I hang them on hangers as I sort.  Our couch is enormous and I have to lean over straight legged to reach the back of the couch.  That action over time has caused me pain in my knees and hip muscles.

Another one was carrying my toddler on my hip.  He's getting big enough to where my out-of-shape self cannot support his weight for frequent long periods.  I discovered this on our walks around the block.  Walking and carrying him when he gets tired hurts.

Lastly, how I sit with my legs folded under me at nights to watch shows with my hubby, I always lean them towards the arm of the couch and that action pulls on my muscles and stretches them for too long a period of time.  This also means that crossing my legs or ankles also causes pain because it pulls on those injured muscles.

So this is a great example of what happens when you become a middle-aged couch potato.  Who knew being a stay home mom could result in injury? I am learning to stand and sit better, and I am also learning to be more active intentionally.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Being Me

God has given me the precious opportunity to be present at home.  Where I used to give my best to others in my full time job, I now give my all to my husband and children at home.

Being a daughter of God.  I continue to learn and grow in my understanding of what it means to know, love, be loved, and to follow Him.

Being a wife.  Specifically, my husband's wife.  Not any other definition of wife other than God's and his.  I research and teach myself to understand as much as I can about his health and how it specifically affects him.  I ask him questions, offer my thoughts and constantly challenge myself with seeking to serve him in the best way possible where I am a help and not a hinderance.  We discuss decisions concerning everything:  our time, our children, our home, our relationship, etc.  The more we can be on the same page, the better I can serve our home and family.

Being a mother.  My children's mother.  Each one of our four has unique needs and personality.  I strive to reach them on an individual level as well as finding routines and habits that serve our family as a whole.  A lot of my energy goes into daily interactions, assessments of circumstances and analyzing the best course of action.  It is a constant balancing act and requires a present and alert mind to interpret and meet a day's variety of needs.  

Being a care giver/home manager.  I have many varying responsibilities and due to my husband's health limitations, the majority of  these are mine to accomplish.  

House work, home maintenance, menu planning, cooking (balanced, healthy meals), gardening, food prep, nutritional needs of each family member, doctor appointments, dental appointments, nutritionist appointments, caring for the dog, balancing enough playtime with giving the children responsibilities, shopping and staying with in budget, the amount of time I am gone (because that creates a burden on my children when my hubby is at work or struggling with his health, even to the point of when to care for my personal needs), etc.

Educating our children.  Choosing curriculum, developing curriculum and lesson planning, assessing individual needs and group needs  A variety of ages, learning styles, and developmental ability makes this one very challenging.  All to be done within a budget and the time constraints of a schedule that works for all of us.  Being flexible is key.  To be able to go with the flow and meet the needs of the children in a given day and not being stuck in my plans.  Having a plan gives me tools.  With flexibility, I have the power to make or break the day's opportune learning moments.

It is often overwhelming and always rewarding.  And I'm always considering more...swim lessons, mom groups, homeschool play dates, etc.  As if my plate isn't full.  It is full, but with room to be flexible and focus on the areas that need the most attention, and sometimes that is taking time for myself or others! :)

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Creating Unit Studies for Kindergarten through Highschool

Creating lesson plans are a passion of mine.  I love to learn and I love making learning fun.  It just takes a lot of time and effort, so I haven't done much of the creative lesson planning in the last couple years.  Something about having littles makes it that much more challenging.

For our science curriculum this year we are going a non-traditional route.  I'm taking the perks of homeschooling and running with the flexibility to customize our learning!  My girls gave me a list of what they wanted to learn and how they wanted to learn it.  So I've taken their input and am putting together a unit study.  We are going to be studying Marine Science/Oceans, Zoology, Weather, and Historical Geology.

We're going to start with Marine Science and Oceans.  I've purchased two books as "spines" for our foundation.  The "spine" of a unit study is often a reference/text book that acts as a guide for the course of the unit study.  We're young earth creationists and in the realm of science, finding non-evolution based information can be a challenge.  Our two spine books focus mostly on the current knowledge of the oceans and creatures therein, with very little said about the "history" of where they came from.  A few of our supplemental books do have some evolution in them, but it is a good thing for the kids to know that there are other viewpoints to a degree.  

Our first book focuses on information and separates the different ocean zones, creatures and ecosystems with beautiful pictures.  Our second book is full of hands-on activities (crafts, science experiments, and cooking projects).  I am putting together a lesson plan using these two books and taking into consideration that I have a kindergartener, middle schooler, and high schooler to teach.

As we cover the information to learn, I am incorporating hands-on activities.  For example, when I introduce the different oceans, I have a full page coloring sheet of the world for my kindergartener either to color or paint as I read about the different oceans.  He will get to listen to the information that I'm reading as he decorates his map.  For my older kiddos, they have the same map on a smaller scale that they can label with space below to take notes about each specific ocean.  We'll get out our globe and find the oceans and use post-it notes to label the oceans.  We'll build a water molecule, do a water density experiment, and bake some cookies to decorate as our earth to show the percentage of land vs water.  And that is just the 4 lessons!

I've found documentaries I can stream and fun educational tv series that teach about ocean animals and ecosystems too.  I want to do some sort of field trip, but I'm waiting to see what homeschool field trips come up this fall since regular entry prices are so high these days. 

Lesson planning is so much fun.  I hope the kids enjoy our learning as much as I'm enjoying putting it together!

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

I cried today.

 A fellow homeschooling, Jesus-loving, mama lost her two-year-old son this week.  It was sudden, unexpected, and heart-breaking.  I can't begin to imagine the heartache and pain she and her family are feeling.  Even more, is the humility and hope she shares in her posts about what happened.

She remains positively minded in her writing, firmly placing her faith in God despite the painful circumstances she is in.  She encourages me and inspires me to seek that perspective in my own faith.  Her very first communication after announcing her son's death, invited others to salvation in Christ.  What a powerful witness for the Lord her words are.

My daughter and I had a good conversation today.  I shared the sadness I was feeling and she shared a struggle she was dealing with and how God answered her prayer with a scripture verse earlier that day.  Later, she had a short conversation about hearing from God with our nutritionist, a topic she's been searching for understanding with lately.  It's so amazing the many little things that God uses to touch our hearts and teach us about Himself and who we are in Him.

It also reminds me how important prayer is.  I don't know this fellow mama, other than the unusual commonalities in our lives.  But I know I can pray for her and that is a tangible way I can be the body of Christ to her.   Her mother in law was my 8th grade English teacher.  She has four kids with a big gap between the oldest two and youngest two, also due to a cancer battle like ours.  And, she loves the Lord with all her heart.  So, I have been praying for her, her living children, and her hubby...for their journey in grief, for their spiritual protection, for their marriage and family relationships.  It's a hard road ahead.

What is a little weird is a de ja vu moment I had.  I have always remembered my 8th grade English teacher with fondness, but have never quite remembered her name.  A few months ago, or so, I remember imagining asking a friend from middle school if that was our teacher's name.  I thought about it a couple different times thinking how weird it would be to have that conversation because we don't talk much anymore.  Today I asked her that question after recognizing the last name of the family I am praying for.

I know God can speak in visions and dreams.  These types of moments aren't hugely common for me, but happen often enough that I have learned to pay attention to them.  Now I have also come to the conclusion to start praying about them and for the people they may relate to.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

It's Okay.

Sometimes it is okay to not look for that next thing to keep yourself busy or productive.

Sometimes it is okay to just stop.

Stop the process.  

Stop the mental pressures.

Grant yourself the grace and permission to put it all away for the night.

Pick yourself up.

Put yourself to bed at a decent time.

Maybe not because you want to.

But because you can.

Thursday, June 10, 2021


Whatever can go, it isn't truly that bad.  It just gets overwhelming.  We've had a lot going on this past couple months and to top it all off, we got sick too.  The whole family.

It seems to be just a yucky cold virus with lots of snot.  I called to see what to do if it was the dreaded CO- VID, and the doctor's office didn't seem to be concerned.  They just said we could go to their Urgent Care for testing if we wanted, but there wasn't any specific protocol to follow.  So, we figured as long as none of us were needing medical help, we would just stay home and weather whatever this is out.  

It has been a week  and we are on the mend.  It didn't last long and was mostly all contained within the sinuses as far as symptoms go.  The only coughing we had was because of drainage, and the only headaches came from sinus pressure.  So we are doubtful it was that scary stuff.  God has been good to us.

Our oldest was diagnosed with anxiety.  It was a harder pill to swallow than I expected.  I knew she had some anxiety, she always has had fear, but it's been getting worse the past few years to where it interferes with her everyday life.  I guess I just didn't think that anxiety could be the lone cause for everything we have struggled through.  

She is learning to recognize what anxiety is and how it manifests in her life.  She's also learning how to deal with it as well.  Her emotions have a significant impact with her symptoms.  It makes me wonder if the anxiety causes the emotions or if they instigate some of her struggles.  

Girls are often misdiagnosed, or underdiagnosed, when it comes to mental health.  I'm hoping that working on this area will help and perhaps shed light on if there is anything more to pay attention to.

Learning about my daughter's anxiety, I am also recognizing my own anxieties.  I'm tough, independent and stubborn.  But I'm also quite cautious and insecure in a lot of ways.  

Them there is the parent-guilt that comes along with a child's diagnosis.  The typical, how much of this did I cause?  What did I do wrong in parenting her?  Etc.  I know I have done my best and I know parents mess up.  Knowing helps. It's normal for parents to feel guilty, but it still isn't fun to feel.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 For better or worse, I ordered our next year's curriculum this week!  I usually agonize over my choices several weeks before finally clicking that "submit order" button., but I didn't have time this year.  

We've nearly completed our current school year and with year-round schooling, we will be starting up after a short summer break.

I don't know if I like "year-round" schooling or not.  It is nice to have more breaks during the school year, but losing our longer summer break is a huge change mentally.  


Next year I start homeschooling Kindergarten.  It has been really intimidating realizing that the foundation of my son's education is what I provide him.  I don't want to mess up!  The more I have researched, the more I have realized that I was teaching kindergarten concepts to my preschoolers back when I was a childcare teacher.   Now I am less intimidated and mainly just hoping to do it well.

I am already beginning to put more structure into place for him, so that when we get into the school year, it won't be a huge change to his routine.  I'm also trying to include my toddler as much as he is able because he desperately wants to be one of the big kids!

Middle School!

We've reached the final year of middle school for my second oldest.  She likes simple and routine.  I asked her input for what she wanted to learn next year and she gave me her list and hopes to work hard and get ahead in her school work next year.  She knows that as a homeschooler, graduating early is possible.  I will do all I can to support her in her goal.  It will be fun to watch her discover herself as she pushes forward.

High School!

My oldest is moving into her sophomore year.  She's also on a journey of discovering who she is and what she wants for her life.  Along the way she's found some challenges to face and as such, I am working on developing a different approach to her education.  Using her interests as a foundation, I am building more of a unit study/interest-led plan for her school year.  My lesson planning time this year is going to be imperative to our well as being flexible and creative in meeting the challenges we face.

I pray that I have made wise choices with the purchase I have made.  Here's to school!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Change is Constant

 Life seems to always be in flux.  Transition seems to be the emphasis in my world as of late.  I suppose in raising children that is to be expected.  I find myself pondering choices and reflecting on past events in our lives.

The Covid Vaccine is huge right now.  I want it to work and be the glorious thing they have tried to make it out to be.  I don't trust it.  I don't trust the media, the government, or the corporations behind it all.  We are playing the "wait and see" card.  My hubby may eventually be required to take it for work, but for now he is also waiting.  He is concerned about side effects with his auto-immune disease.  My in-laws have gotten it, for them it was worth the risk.  I don't judge their personal choice in the matter and hope the best for them.  Other extended family has already had the virus.  Right now, our biggest decision to make is how and when to open our bubble up to participating in some of life's aspects that we really miss.

Our oldest is learning to drive, contemplating where to apply for her first job, and planning on trying out some college courses next fall.  She is also going through assessment for potential ADHD.  I'm going through this process with her and feel very much unprepared for it all.  Having never gone through these experiences before as a parent, we are taking one step at a time in navigating the challenges along the way.

Our second-born will be a teenager soon.  She is my quiet one, and I am attempting to make deliberate actions to let her know she is important to me and I am interested in her.  Her reserved personality makes it easy for her to "fall through the cracks" and I don't want that for her.

And then we have our "littles".  Our preschooler is preparing for kindergarten this fall at home.  My thoughts center mostly around what worldly influences we allow into his life and character building.  He is starting to be more bold in his singing and I love his sweet little voice!

Our littlest is hitting the terrific two's in the near future.  We're preparing for potty training and looking forward to his developmental readiness for more activities and understanding.  We're also going through the weaning process.  Weaning him is hard for me.  It's hard for him too because he has no interest in weaning.  He likes the comfort of it and I like comforting him.  There's nothing more precious than your little one falling asleep in your arms...  But when nursing is no longer for nutritional necessity, it is time to help him learn other ways of spending time with mom and healthier ways to find comfort.  He's my last baby (God-willing), and I will miss my baby boy once this chapter comes to a close.  At the same time, I am ready for the next chapter too.  Ready to have my body back.  Ready to focus on our nutritional needs separately, and have more flexibility with his routines.

And then there is the household stuffs.  We are still waiting for our tax return.  With it, we hope to upgrade our current family vehicle for one that has a working AC and fewer miles!  We also have a list of "to do" items that we need to save for and prioritize.  There is always something, isn't there? 

Monday, March 29, 2021


Spring is here and with food prices going sky high, I'm taking a more proactive role in planning our garden.  Usually I just let my hubby do it all and go along with whatever he decides to do.  We worked together talking about options and produce we use on a regular basis.

We decided carrots and onions are low cost and we haven't had a great crop with them in the past, so we're skipping those for the garden.

We are going to plant tomatoes, peppers, green beans, cucumber, cantaloupe, garlic, rosemary and strawberries.  The garlic and rosemary are mainly to keep pests out of our garden, but we'll use them in recipes as well.  It will be our first time trying cantaloupe, a neighbor recommended it to us and said she grows them easily in her garden.  Peppers and strawberries are another newer plant to us.  We've tried them once before at our old house, but we decided to try again this year and see how it goes.  This time we'll put the strawberries in pots to help keep them contained. We're also contemplating growing some raspberry bushes.  

Hopefully things will grow well and we'll have some tasty produce later this summer!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Goal Adjustments

Back in October, I posted about striving to wake up earlier to have some "me" time.  Five months later, and I have still not figured out how to get to bed earlier.  It happens on occasion, but I'm realizing in this season, it just isn't going to happen.  My time is not my own with young children in the house.

The Lord has been good to remind me that the ultimate goal is to spend time with Him on a daily basis, to spend more time seeking Him.  It doesn't necessarily have to fit my idealistic bible time to myself where I can cuddle up on the couch with a warm blanket, bible, and journal.  In truth, the last time I was able to do that regularly was before I had children.

So, I am trying to be flexible and give myself grace.  I am doing pretty good at making time to read my bible and pray every morning.  Sometimes I get up 15 minutes earlier than I expect my kids to be up, other times I bring it out to the living room with me while my boys climb over me as they play.  Sometimes I have the opportunity to have extended prayer time and other days I write a sentence or two before motherhood calls.

My kids get to see me reading my bible and writing in my prayer journal.  They know that it is something I do every day.  If kids truly learn by watching, perhaps the Lord is using these moments to impact them for eternity.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

He makes me new, He is making me new.

 Lyrics from a song.  My New Year's post a little late, I suppose.  Happiest of New Year's to you!

The thrill of new beginnings and letting go of the past is something New Year always brings for me.  As much as I love getting out the decorations for the Christmas season, I also love packing it all up and clearing the clutter when it is over.  It's like a fresh start each year.

When baby Jesus came into the world, He brought with Him a fresh start for all those who believed in Him.  I typically try to rededicate myself to prioritizing my relationship with Him each year, since the chaos of the season can easily throw me off my game.

My current projects are simply cumulative from last year's chaos.  I can't say it is a "resolution" because I have been working towards this goal for a while now.  I just had to wait for Christmas for some of the tools I needed to help me get more organized.  

I've prayed a lot about how best to organize my life.  My prayer life is in the midst of learning what it means to "pray without ceasing."  There are things I feel that God wants me to pay better attention to, and I have struggled because of the constant distractions in our crazy lives.  

I don't have a special place to pray.  I don't have a dedicated time set aside for prayer each day either.  Depending on the day, I often pray on the fly and try to fit in a short bible reading in between responsibilities.  So, I am learning the art of 'praying without ceasing' by keeping my mind on the Lord.  Even when I miss my morning devotions, I remain conscious of my need for time with my Lord.  I talk to him, sometimes out loud, sometimes in my head.  It's a mental humility, recognizing my need for Him, and keeping that in mind even as life requires my attention on other things too.

I am beginning to implement small changes for a hopeful big impact on my daily chaos.

One change is a morning routine.  I set my alarm early to get up before the kids, so I can get dressed, read my bible, and get ready for the day mentally.  When I keep my routine, the stress and mental focus I have is so much better.  On days when I don't make it, the day feels like a mess, and I start it stressed.  

Another change is buying myself a planner.  I have one already that I use specifically to track our homeschool activities, but I realized I needed a separate one to help me in organizing my days better.  I found one for a great price on amazon, and am excitedly waiting for it to arrive!

Small changes and, God willing, a big impact! :0)