Sunday, May 19, 2019

Planning, Prepping, Organizing

Two praise reports today!

One:  Our toddler actually was okay with me leaving his Sunday School class to attend service this morning!  It was a slower day with only a few kiddos in the classroom and the teacher got out some toys -a rare thing.  He told me goodbye and didn't want to leave the toys when I came back to get him.  Such a blessing!

Two:  The ladies at church blessed us with a large basket of supplies and gifts for baby!  I was so thankful and so surprised.  They had asked me about my due date and sex of the baby a few weeks back, so I figured I might get a card or something, but no, someone or some people spent a pretty penny on the many things we were given!  And they were good quality items too, new and very useful.

Our new glider arrived this weekend as well as the diaper organizer for the changing table and a few other odds and ends.  I still have a lot of cleaning and clothes washing to do, but our bedroom is starting to look more like a nursery.  I have a space to rock and nurse the baby, a lamp for nighttime changings, a smaller 'Dream-light' toy to provide a dimmer light during feedings so I can at least see what I'm doing, but not wake up baby too much, etc.

I also made some freezer meals this weekend.  I've never made them before and they are newer recipes, but fit our dietary needs.  They'll also make cooking easier for us after the baby comes since I'll be out of commission for a while and who knows what my hubby's arthritis will be like at that time.  It wasn't hard to do, just a few extra items on my grocery list and a little extra time in the kitchen.  I only used recipes that simply combined ingredients in a freezer bag.  I didn't do any recipes that required prior cooking prep.  Trying to keep it as simple as possible!

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