Saturday, March 21, 2020

God is Bigger than the Boogie Man

Life has suddenly changed drastically, but not just for me in my own little world.  For everyone around the world!

I am thankful to be a stay home mom already.  Thankful to already be homeschooling my kiddos.  Thankful my hubby's job can be done from home, although even he is seeing changes in his job as everything has been affected.  God has provided for us thus far and we continue to depend on the Lord for our futures.

I don't know what is worse.  The COVID-19 or the fear that is sweeping across the nation.  When the news first broke about a new virus, I didn't give it much thought.  Then people started talking about wearing masks in public and I thought it was silly.  Then it got more serious and the government started closing schools and imposing travel bans, and the numbers on the media went up and up.  That's when I started believing it just might be something I had to pay more attention to.

Going shopping last week was like stepping into our recent history study of the Great Depression.  Shelves were empty and bare.  Finding food to buy and bring home to my family was a little more challenging.  In some instances, our special dietary needs were a good thing and in others, not so great.

We often spend several days at home without going out, but knowing it isn't as much a choice anymore as it is wise makes it harder.  Our church still does online services thankfully, and they provided a coloring sheet for the kiddos.  We cancelled our well-visits with the pediatrician and didn't make an appointment for our son's pictures this month...I think I will try to do them myself at home.

We postponed our basement remodel, not for fear of getting sick, but for the wisdom of not spending our savings until we know what is going to happen to our economy.  I saw toilet paper for sale online for $75 for a package of 18 rolls!  Thankfully, the news says that companies are starting to do something about price gauging.

I'm not an expert on eschatology and yet, I ponder in my little head the ways that this virus has impacted us on a global front, and how it may tie into God's plans for the return of Jesus Christ and the upcoming Tribulation period.  God works all things to the good those who love Him and according to His will.  I trust that He knows all that we will see in this lifetime and endure.  I trust that He's still all powerful, still all-knowing, and continues to love us as only He can.  I rest in those facts and have peace in the midst of this ever-changing world we live in.

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