Wednesday, March 4, 2020

I'm avoiding going to bed.  Have you ever done that?  Of course, what a silly thing to ask.  Grin.

My hubby avoids going to bed because he doesn't sleep well, wakes up stiff and in pain,  and has to go back to work in the morning.  Pretty good reasons if you ask me.

Me?  I'm just not tired enough and I don't want to lie there just thinking when I still have the brain power to be somewhat productive.  There are too many things on my list of responsibilities to waste time going to bed on time.  Now that just sounds funny.

I've been busy working on my grocery list and menu plan for the upcoming week.  I've gotten so much better at planning suppers.  It is all the snacks and other meals during the day that I struggle with being grain free.  It is so hard because I'm not just grain free, but coconut free, pear free, legume free, dairy free, soy free, chocolate free, etc.

I have found some go-to snacks that are shelf stable so I don't always have to have a meat or fruit (I do eat veggies, but not for snacks).  Rx Bars so far seem to be safe.  I've only had a couple to try out so I'm not sure yet.  I did find that I really enjoy the Maple Sea Salt flavored one.  I also can eat Sweet Potato chips and Plantain chips, so those are always on my grocery list.  I can make my own dried apple chips, but it takes several hours for just a few servings so I don't have a lot of them.

I found a good substitute for ice cream.  Freezing bananas and blueberries makes for a tasty dessert that has a similar texture as ice cream once frozen and blended smooth.  And I found a mug cake that works with Cassava new favorite bread-like textured recipe!  Cassava flour is similar to a wheat flour texture, not quite as fluffy, but I can make a good pancake out of it, and they are delicious with blueberry butter!

It's interesting.  In going grain free, I have also inadvertently cut out most refined sugars and that has made a big difference too.  I feel much better without sugars.

And on the super plus side of the food struggles, we finally have 3 safe solid foods!  Apples, sweet potatoes and butternut squash!  That's a cause for celebration!

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