Friday, January 13, 2023

Proverbs 31 Woman

 This chapter can be intimidating when viewed through broken lenses.  I think it is a beautiful portrayal of a woman who strives to be her best for the Lord.  A portrayal of a regular woman, not a perfect woman on a pedestal that we have to try to emulate, but an honest, down-to-earth description of the ways she strives to do her best and be the woman God has created her to be.

As I read verses 10-31, again -one of many times in my life I have laid eyes upon this passage and pondered it, I found myself looking at it in a different light.  I jotted down some paraphrases of the verses and here is the message I found the Lord sharing with me:

1.  Her husband's heart trusts in her.  She does him good and not harm. (this speaks to the relationship between this husband and wife)

2. She uses her skills and hard work to provide and support for the needs of her family that God has given her responsibility for.  (the gifts and talents God has given her, for the specific needs she is responsible for)

3.  She travels as necessary to feed her family.  (she goes the distance, puts others first)

4.  She rises early to meet their needs. (like feeding them a nutritious breakfast)

5. She uses her resources to further the benefit to her family and she follows through to see something to fruition.

6.  She works on herself and doesn't give in to laziness, or give up on her efforts when the going gets tough. (her character, her relationship with the Lord, all areas of her life)

7. She's not afraid of hard work and works alongside others. (doing what it takes, humbly)

8. She is gracious and generous with what she has.

9.  She is not afraid, she knows the Lord provides...He gives her strength and dignity.

10. Her words are wise and kind.

11.  She is a woman who fears the Lord.

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