Sunday, August 3, 2014

Putting God First

It's been a slower process than it probably should have been.  I am still figuring out how to make time for God.  He doesn't want to be my last minute -let's squeeze in a few minutes before bedtime- relationship.

My pastor is known for saying, "If God is telling you to do something -do it!" Obey immediately, don't wait, don't delay.  The sooner you step into God's will, the better for you.

I have delayed, but God is still lovingly guiding me and reminding me of His desires for me to know Him more.  Friday night was a meeting at work and afterwards I hesitantly told God I was going to start making those changes to make Him first.

I didn't commit to making time verbally because I was afraid I would fail.  But Saturday I was determined to create my space for Him again.  I had allowed my secretary desk space to become cluttered with papers from my kids, hair things, and piles of not-quite dirty clothes I might wear one more time before washing.  I am proud to say I did clear that space up.  I didn't make time to be with God and once again fit Him in just before bed.  My prayer is that I will determine to make time each day where I can be still before the Lord.  I know He is also committed to me and will lead me in making time in the best way.

I realized one of my fears that had delayed me from obeying God, was that I wasn't sure what part of my day to sacrifice for time with Him.  I was afraid whatever part of my day I cleared for Him would be the wrong part so I didn't clear any part. Foolish, yes.  I live and learn -often the hard way!

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