Saturday, July 28, 2018

Never Ending Paper & Boxes!

Been working on my paper mess.  Career and training certifications, memorabilia, important 'official' type papers, homeschool papers and resources, warrantees and never ends!  Packed up three boxes this afternoon, filled one large trash can, and asked my hubby how things looked.  He says, "It looks like you made a mess."

I can see where I made the dents, and I know that those dents will turn into empty spaces and cleared shelves.  The floor is slightly clearer and my piles are fewer and smaller.  Another 2-3 hour stint and I think it will be finished.  I have a pile of warrantees and manuals to sort through to see what to toss and what to keep for us and what to give the next home owner.  I have a pile ready to be packed up, but not enough to fill a box just yet.  Slow and steady, steady and slow.  Making progress, one step at a time!

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