Friday, July 13, 2018

VBS - Vacation Bible School

We made it through 3 out of 4 VBS days.  My little guy ended up with a tummy bug the last morning so we had to miss it.  It was a fun experience overall, and an eye-opener too.

Two of the eight kids in our group accepted Jesus as their Savior and that was pretty exciting to see.  I got to lead them in prayer.  When I asked one of them why they wanted to have Jesus in their life, he answered that he didn't want to do wrong things any more.  Very cool to see how a few short days of bible time can touch the hearts of children!

I also was reminded of my days working full time in childcare.  In leading my group from activity to activity, I got to practice my guidance strategies and discipline.  I never had to get very firm, but I did have to get serious with a couple kiddos who were letting their sillies get the best of them.

One young man had struggles with paying attention to any activity that was verbal or sitting still.  He was a very sweet boy, but stretched my mental skills in keeping him challenged and (mostly) obedient.  Asking him to sit still was beyond his ability.

I'm not very experienced in working with kiddos who have different needs, but I know enough to understand that he wasn't intentionally misbehaving, he simply didn't have the ability or maturity to spend lengths of time being still.  He excelled during our outside activities and also during arts and crafts.  After the second day I used one of my life-lines for help and got some tips, and then I asked our children's pastor if they had any fidget toys I could use to help this little guy get through the more challenging activities.  They did and I was all prepared, and then he didn't show up...he had gone on vacation!  I know I'll see him occasionally at church, I'm glad we made a small connection.

Little Man did fairly well in the nursery.  The first day he didn't stop screaming for me, so they called me and I sent my oldest to check on him.  She stayed with him for about a half an hour to help him feel more comfortable.  After that, each day she would stay with him for several minutes after I left before joining me with our group.  He liked "playing toys" at "chuh-ch"but was consistently waiting for us at pick up time, eagerly searching the faces that came in the door for his family.

I thanked my hubby again for letting me be a stay-at-home mommy and raise our kiddos instead of working full time to raise someone else's kids.  That was always a source of angst when I worked full time...I spent so much time and energy focused on other people's children, that I didn't always have much left when I got home with my own beautiful children.  I'm grateful that I can use my teaching skills at home and pour myself into giving them the best I have.

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