Sunday, August 12, 2018

Go Time!

And downhill we go!  We have 4 weeks before we list our home on the market.  Our realtor is going to hire a professional cleaner for us right before we list and take photographs of our home.  I am happy about it, although it will be very strange letting someone else clean my home.  It takes a big load off my mind to know I can just focus on homeschool and packing/organizing these next few weeks.  We have a short list of projects to finish -mainly touch-up painting here and there.

Our first month of homeschool is going well.  The girls are enjoying their new curriculum for the most part, and we are working out a routine.  The challenge right now is our toddler.  He is very hands-on, wants to be constantly doing and moving.  I've made a few sit-down projects or tried talking things with him, but he isn't interested in doing that for very long.  I have to figure out some more ways of engaging him in learning and giving him activities that he can experience kinesthetically.

Potty-training is developing.  Into what, I don't know.  Hahaha!  After considering going full blown cold-turkey.  We decided he wasn't quite ready to control his bladder as needed, so we're continuing with talking about bodily functions and the bathroom with opportunities to sit on the potty and flush the potty.  Duct tape is an option if he continues to take off his diaper at naps though...we shall see!

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