Sunday, January 13, 2019

One step at a Time

It's funny how the life lessons we learn in one area pop up again in other areas throughout our lives.

Right now, it is "one step at a time" or "one box at a time".  Little steps.  Any progress is still progress, even if it is slow.  We finally got our curtains ordered, arrived, and hung in our kitchen/living room.  That was all my hubby was able to do this weekend.  It took a lot to accomplish - we had to break out the big metal ladder just to reach the tall living room window.

Today was a pretty productive day for me.  We listened to church online this morning as a family, and then I made a final trip to the local dollar store for the bins I like in our closet for organizing.  Since we have a nice walk in closet now, we gave our dresser to the girls -it has a nice big mirror on it that they'll enjoy as they enter their teens.  The trouble was finding ways to organize our socks, pj's, and other items that used to go into dresser drawers and couldn't easily hang in the closet.  With the new bins, I was able to have a place for everything and actually get the majority of our laundry put away!  Hurray!  I also did some packing of clothes I won't be able to wear until after the baby is born and I lose some of the baby weight.

After nap time, I cut the girls' bangs and gave our oldest a trim.  I can see their eyes again!  I now officially cut everyone's hair (except my own) at home.

We tried a new dish for dinner -creamy garlic pasta.  I added chicken strips and made two batches.  One gluten free and milk free, the other regular for the rest of the family.  It was pretty good and easy to make!

After dinner, my daughter and I worked to convert Little Man's crib into a toddler bed.  He was so excited!  At least he was excited until it came to bedtime.  Then his little lip trembled and he cried big giant tears for momma.  Aww.  Breaks my heart to hear that cry.  He was scared to go to bed in his new bed.  Daddy helped him through it, and so far it sounds like he went to sleep.  The real test will be 2:00am when he usually calls for me.  Will he stay in his bed or get out?  Will he fall out of bed at all?  Time will tell...hopefully it is a pretty smooth transition.  We're being given a twin bed at the end of the month that will be his big-boy bed, so we wanted to start now with the smaller size bed to hopefully help ease the transition.

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