Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Life Update

I'm sitting on the couch wasting time on my computer...I'd rather be putzing around the house doing some more organizing or setting up.  But,  that requires moving, and my pregnant self doesn't want to move either.  It's a no win situation.  LOL!

Pregnancy is going smoothly so far.  My fingers have only recently begun to swell on occasion.  Nothing like the swelling I experienced last time.  I'm also finding my legs feel better wearing my compression stockings on a more regular basis.  My increased weight forced me to buy another pair in the next size up.  I'm also going to have to go shopping this weekend to get some more maternity clothes -outgrowing what I have!  The funny thing was that I just hit the 160 pound mark - I've gained 20 pounds this pregnancy - but 160 was my starting weight with my last pregnancy, so it still feels like a small number to me!

I've been spending my free time on the phone and doing research for homeschool stuff, pediatrician stuff, tax stuff, etc.  It seems this is the time of year that everything needs doing.  We are going to have our girls take a standardized test this year to meet their homeschooling requirement to "prove" they are learning.  They only have to get a 13% to continue homeschooling...craziness.  I'm curious to see where they land as compared to their public schooled peers.

So far this year we have done well with homeschooling despite time off for moving and other little life interruptions.  I've been researching enrichment program options as well as curriculum options, although I think I'll wait to order any new curriculum until after they take their standardized test.  Just in case it reveals something specific we need to address.

I'd love to be able to purchase a ready-made preschool curriculum for my little guy, but knowing me, I still would not be happy with that and want to make my own tweaks and creations for his learning.  I'm just struggling finding the time and energy to think that far out of the box.  With my older kiddos, we have an outline to follow at least, so even if I deviate off the learning they provide, I have topics and goals to aim for.  It seems all my years in early childhood have escaped my pregnant brain when it comes to curriculum for our son.  I'll get there.  I know I will.  We do activities and games, just not as structured as I am dreaming of.

We also need to start looking into landscaping for our yard in the next month or so.  My brain knows this, but it hasn't comprehended that to make it happen we have to actually start making phone calls and thinking about what we want to accomplish.  Too many things on my mental plate!

Hubby has been fighting with the pharmaceutical company trying to get his new medication figured out and started.  We think we got it finally figured out after several weeks of misunderstandings and failures on their part.  My fear is that it will cause the same type of allergic reaction as the other medication he was on.  If so, we start at square one again.  His rash has lessened and decreased significantly, but it hasn't disappeared and he continues to have new spots appear.  It is nothing like how bad it used to be, and I've been asking him to talk to his doctor about what they think about it not being gone yet.  His health has deteriorated significantly being off his medication.  He's back to using his cane and really struggling getting around.  Part of it may also be that we've deviated from his diet since selling the house and moving.  Life is still not settled yet and I'm finding my bearings slowly.

Potty training has been an adventure, my first time training a boy at home.  He's gotten used to going potty when the alarm on my phone rings.  Sometimes he fusses that he has to stop playing, but he typically will go.  I'm waiting for him to start taking some initiative too...if the alarm doesn't ring, he simply doesn't care if he is wet or not.  We've discussed just putting him in underwear to see what that does, but haven't decided if we're ready for it or not.  I need to do some more research to remind myself the stages and developmental milestones of potty training.  He doesn't react well to negative feedback and will regress for a day or so if I lose my patience with him, so I've been working on that too.  I haven't been as strict with him in a discipline sense, so the tactics I've used in the past don't work as well because he isn't used to them.  Parenting is challenging!

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