Sunday, September 22, 2019

Life's Challenges

Church, homeschool, food, injuries, health...what else will we deal with this season?

Church -we're back to our preschooler crying when I leave.  (he has some new teachers)

Homeschool -so many other challenges are slowing our progress.  We're just not getting as much done in a day as I would hope to.

Food -avoiding dairy, soy, corn, chocolate, and wheat leaves me hungry and struggling to find easy go-to snacks and has turned my grocery shopping upside down.

Injuries -our oldest sprained her finger on her dominant hand...everything has been hard for her.  I've had to help her wash her hair, write her school work, and many other little things you don't think about until you can't do them normally.  Thankfully she got her splint off this weekend and is on the mend!

Health -we've had two illnesses so far.  I am thankful that they didn't spread through the whole household and our littlest guy has been fortunate to not get sick.  Praise the Lord!

My hubby is in the process of starting a new medication for his arthritis that takes a while to start working -it could be December before he starts feeling the benefits.  In the start-up process, he may get worse physically and we are seeing some of the effects already.  His cane is back out, but not needed every day, and I get to blog a little more too...

We have more to come this week as well.  I will be taking our baby in to see a pediatric dentist for a lip tie.  He has either a Level 3 or Level 4 tie of his upper lip.  It makes breastfeeding harder for him because latching on properly is difficult and he is unable to nurse fully.  I had an awkward, but overall pleasant experience of going to see a lactation consultant.  She recommended a pediatric dentist vs. an ENT because of our family history with his older sister having a lip tie that interfered with her teeth.

The interesting thing about a lip tie is that many of the symptoms are identical to food intolerance symptoms.  I don't believe getting his lip tie revised will cure him, but I do hope he'll be able to nurse better and perhaps some of his symptoms will lessen or go away.

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