Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bummer Deals

Today has come with lots of sad news.  The baby of a friend of mine who has been in the hospital since birth has just been diagnosed with some severe defects in her lungs and airway.  The next step is a trach while the doctors decide just how to proceed.  The trach may or may not be a permanent fixture. :(  This news comes about a week after they thought she was on the road to going home with mom and dad.

Then my friend who lost a leg to cancer, has finished a several-month-long chemo treatment for a side-effect of the cancer she beat, is currently in the hospital due to low platelet counts and fever.  It is scary because when she first learned of the side-effect issue, they told her she may only have 5 years to live and I desperately want to see God use the light she shares much longer than that.  She has a 13yr old son also.

And on the home front, my honey finally looked up his last test results for his hormone levels.  He was feeling so good on the injections, he delayed taking them to see if his body might be making more hormones on its own.  He dreams of one day getting off the injections.  The results showed the lowest levels he has ever tested.  Those dreams are dashed to the ground.  Unless God chooses to heal this, bi-monthly injections are a forever part of his life.  This news is not surprising, nor shocking, but to face that reality isn't fun.

I know God is at work.  I know I am being tested.  By the grace of God I survived a full on spiritual attack at work in the form of a very angry client yesterday and now it seems there is an emotional thing happening today.  Yesterday I rejoiced regardless of the attack because it was so amazing to see God working in my job and the lives of those around me.  The emotional attack is a little different.  It takes me into a quiet place inside myself where I look to the Lord to help me find the truth of the situation despite how I might feel about it...

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