Saturday, July 16, 2016

Pregnancy Update

Nine months pregnant and officially full term today at 37 weeks.  My doctor has told me that they won't let me go past 39 weeks due to my last ultrasound that showed a large baby and generous amniotic fluid.  So, two weeks and counting.

I'm not sure if the house is fully prepared, but I'm fast approaching the "I don't care" mentality as my belly continues to grow past the typical 40 week size.  I haven't seen my belly button for weeks and simply sitting down or standing up is such a challenge -let alone doing housework.  I am truly enormous.  My legs, hands, and feet swell constantly anymore.  Normal grocery shopping now includes coming home halfway through to put my feet up and completing the shopping with a second trip.

This week I go in for a four-hour fasting glucose test...meaning I don't eat anything after dinner until I complete the test the following morning.  I will go in first thing in the morning to drink two wonderfully nasty glucose drinks and endure four different blood draws to test how my body reacts.  Not looking forward to that experience at all!

Being this late into pregnancy if I do have gestational diabetes, not much can be done for it, but it will directly impact delivery options.  My baby is measuring very large.  He could simply be a long baby, but if he is a diabetes baby, he could be short and fat, meaning delivery may be dangerous to attempt naturally.  A diagnosis of diabetes would most likely mean a planned C-section.

I'm not one of those women who need to have a natural birth to feel like I'm a good mom...I've had two wonderful births already and this pregnancy has been such a challenge, I only want a healthy baby -no matter what I have to endure to get there.  That said, major surgery is scary too.  God knows and He will carry me through whatever the end result is.  Thank you for your prayers in advance!

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