Sunday, March 4, 2018

Finish Line In Sight

We had our science fair this weekend and the girls did a wonderful job with their presentations and answering questions about their projects to all ages of audience members!  I am so proud of them and the hard work they put in.  It was a very busy several weeks and I loved seeing the spark in their eyes with the motivation they had to work on their projects.

I've been striving to stay rationally focused on our work and seek the Lord with our schooling.  Homeschooling is funny...all of January and February you fight the "homeschool slump"  where it feels like you've been doing school forever and everyone is feeling the burn-out, and summer seems so far away.  Then March 1st hits and all of the sudden you realize you only have 10-13 weeks left to fit in everything you've planned for the year!  To top it off, curriculums and planners start going on sale for the next school year and it only adds to the pressure to figure everything all at once...easy to get overwhelmed with everything going on in your brain.

It reminds me of the verse where God tells us not to worry about tomorrow.  Matthew 6:26-34 is the passage.  If God cares for the lilies of the field, why would you worry about your own tomorrows?  Seek Him first and He'll give you everything you need.

I've been asking God what He wants for us this coming year: whether or not we move, whether or not we stay with our current enrichment program, what to add or remove from our lesson plans, etc.  I've got a lot of ideas and am waiting for his guidance for the right choices.

On the plus side, today I was able to review our goals for finishing out this year and we're mostly on track.  A little behind in some areas and ahead in others.  My goal for this year was to be more organized and I feel I've been pretty successful in that.  Next year my personal goal is to keep organized with school, and add in being more purposeful in our learning and how we spend our time. 

I've also got to figure out how to add in toddler learning time too for our little guy...he'll be on his own track of learning and I'm not sure how yet to incorporate all of the variables into my available time and energy each day.

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