Tuesday, March 20, 2018

New Path for Healthy Eating!

I am very excited about a new book I just ordered!  It is written by Rebecca Fett and called, "The Keystone Approach."  It specifically speaks to my husband's type of arthritis and his current struggles with what appears to be psoriasis symptoms.  He's been struggling with this recent development and we're both very motivated to find some way to help him. 

I read several reviews and the first three chapters of the book online.  It has recent scientific information tied to the microbiome and more specifically how individuals with autoimmune diseases can eat real foods that promote a healthier system.  I can't wait to read more on the "how" and "why" our bodies react the way they do to the foods we eat.

I know my hubby thinks I internet-diagnose, but in reality I research in depth so that I can understand a topic and then formulate my own opinions.  I read the positives and negatives, I look for repeated themes and common ground in the various articles and websites I use.  My favorite is to find references to a specific professional in the health/medical field because they often have the best in depth information to share when I specifically read what that professional has published.

We also received a gift of some Essential Oil samples that I am keen on trying once I am able to figure them out.  I think diet is our highest priority, and the oils will be an additional help for symptoms as well.

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