Monday, August 8, 2011

Mental Break

What a Monday it has been!  My entire morning at work has been dominated by others and surprise tasks.  As soon as I had a moment, I took the time to give myself a mental break.  I truly needed it and I needed to get into the Word.  When life is overwhelming, you must take care of yourself or you lose yourself.  That is what I have experienced in the past.

I've missed a couple days of my bible reading.  I spent one night just praying instead of reading and I really enjoyed that.  Time with God doesn't always have to be dictated by a "should".  Feeling obligated and responding to God out of obligation doesn't seem to draw us closer to Him.  Unfortunately, my bible got mistakenly misplaced while playing with my children and I missed a day of bible time for that reason and I found I missed my time reading when I wasn't able to read.

I opened my bible to one of my many place markers and found Luke 20:17-40.  I found many good tidbits in there, and just seeking God and His peace pushed that sense of mental chaos into submission.  It's amazing how just a few moments seeking him can change my whole outlook on my day.

Verse 18, Jesus is speaking about the cornerstone (himself): "Whoever falls on that stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder."  We must be broken in order to let go of ourselves and trust in our God and Savior.
Verses 26 and 39, 40 shows the scribes response to Jesus' answers when they tried to test him and catch him.  "v.26 They marveled at his answer and kept silent"  "v.39-40 They said, 'Teacher, you have spoken well.' But after that they dared not question him anymore."

Jeremiah 29:13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

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