Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Submission & Power

I've made it through chapter 3 of my book about "Finding the Hero in your Husband".  That title is far this book is all about my role as a wife!  :)

It's interesting.  The second chapter was about the power wives have over their husbands.  It was a little weird to read since I don't like to think of myself as having power over someone, but the influence women have in such subtle ways can make or break a marriage.  This chapter about submission I thought, "Oh, I've already got this one in the mom was a good role model for being submissive as a wife."

Well, it was an eye opening chapter.  Yes, my mom was an excellent role model and her example has helped me get a step up.  No, I didn't have it all figured out!  It's true I'm not a dominating woman determined to overpower her husband and take charge of everything.  But I can be passive-aggressive and I have manipulated the influence I have over my husband to get my way...sorry, honey!

A godly wife is to complete her husband.  She was given different abilities for a purpose.  Husband's are not made to go it alone, but they are given the "veto power" of a marriage in decision making if their wives don't squash their confidence.  My goal is to figure out the areas in my unique relationship with my husband to see where I need to empower him and work to support him and let him lead.  I am quiet, but I often take the lead in my home instead of waiting for/asking my husband to lead.

The simple ways I can start are using "we" when talking about the decisions we make.  I want to pay attention to the words I say so that they are empowering to him as a leader and not overpowering to get what I think is best.  I need to let go of the reins in some areas of our life...that might be easier said than done!

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