Friday, September 23, 2011

No mo' Whammy!

I feel like a bucket of bricks got dumped on me.  Today was a horrible, no good day.  :(
I did survive it though and I'm thankful for an understanding boss and co-workers who are willing to step in for me.  I'm also thankful for family who came and helped out.  It was a day full of mixed up medical orders, insurance complications, general delays, and a lot of time spent chasing down information and assistance.  I never thought I'd be one of those people walking in to a clinic and pleading for help from someone immediately (the pharmacy was closing for the weekend, our doctor wasn't in, etc.)!

On the plus side, I did sneak in the first two chapters of Job.  He went through so much more than I'm going through, I thought perhaps I could glean some good- tips from him.  I did.  Chapter 1, verse 1 "that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil."  verse 3 "this man was the greatest of all the people of the East." (in possessions and wealth)

Satan argues to God that Job has no reason not to follow the Lord because the Lord has blessed him, so the Lord allows Satan power over all Job has.  (verses 9-12)  Job's 10 children and all but 3 servants are killed, and all his livestock are taken away.  Immediately after receiving this news:  verse 20 "Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and WORSHIPED" saying "the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord." (verse 21).

Then in Chapter 2, Satan returns to the Lord and the Lord points out to Satan his faithful servant job who was afflicted "WITHOUT CAUSE". (verse 3)  Satan then argues that any man will give up his possessions to save his own life, so the Lord puts Job in Satan's hand, but requires he does not kill Job. (verses 4-6)

Job is then stricken with boils all over his body.  His 3 friends come to comfort him, but "did not recognize him" (verses 7-12).  His friends sat with him for 7 days and 7 nights without saying a word because they saw that "his grief was very great".

I learned that when trials hit Job, he still worshipped God and he did not blame God.  He did not do anything to bring his pain upon himself.  He was so hurt that his friends did not recognize him and did not speak to him for seven days and nights because of his grief.  It is okay to grieve.  Bad things happen to good people and we can still worship and praise the Lord through it all.

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